Social Campaigns
USC Charity, 2020 (Communications Director)
This campaign spotlighted student leaders on campus to to promote USC Charity’s annual Relay for Life event in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. Post copy shared quotes from the featured leaders about how cancer has impacted their lives, and why they participate in Relay for Life.
As Communications Director of USC Charity, I led this campaign in a creative and project manager role. I managed the logistics of shoot and posting timelines, as well as shooting and editing all photos, and designing the graphic filter overlay.
Men for Mental Health
Active Minds Western, 2020 (VP Creative)
This campaign highlighted male-identifying student leaders on campus to share insights and experiences with mental health.
I led this campaign in all facets, from selecting leaders and outreach, to creative direction, shoot scheduling, and post rollout.
You're Just a Number
MIT 3902: Alternative Media Culture Jamming Assignment
In order to truly care about the spaces occupy and communities we are a part of, we need to hold it accountable.
This was a class assignment where groups were asked to produce and present a form of culture jamming: a strategy used to flip a form of media to subversively critique its source. We decided to flip Western University's "Extraordinary starts here" campaign.
While we initially intended to keep the focus as a response to a quote from Western University's legal team in response to a fatal incident of impaired driving on campus, we extended the treatment to other pressing issues on campus, such as the exploitation of unpaid student leaders in residence and the lack of access to mental health resources.
A copy was also printed ahead of the March open house, posted in a campus building, and posted to the r/UWO subReddit under an anonymous account. This post sparked conversation within minutes and continued into the next day, including discussions about the role of servers and legal blood alcohol levels.